Monday, September 9, 2019

A Marathon, Not A Sprint

People running marathon clipart

The start of the school year often feels like a sprint.  After having weeks of sunshine, flexibility, and spontaneous activities, those first days of school can feel like an all out sprint. Making lunches, coordinating after school activities, and assisting with the organization of homework can collectively feel overwhelming.  What we need to remember is that we have all done this before.  We have advised, we have guided, we have supported, and we have comforted.

The important thing to remember is that a school year is not a sprint, it is a marathon.  It is 180 days of learning, growing, expanding, and discovering.  Change is not easy and often complicated, but without change, there is no growth.

As you are starting the 2019-2020 academic year, know that it is normal for your student to have an adjustment period.  Often this period is longer than one expects.  The first part of the transition revolves around adjusting to the school schedule.  The second part is adjusting to the workload once it really starts to get going.  Here are a few pointers.

1) Remind your child to breathe.  For that matter, remind yourself to breathe.  You will get through this.
2) Tackle one thing at a time.  Break down longer assignments and heavier homework nights into manageable parts.  Allow for breaks in between.
3) Schedule time for family AND friends.  Both are essential in life.
4) Listen.  Even when you want to fix it, don't.  Listen and ask the child in your life what solution seems best.
5) Reach out to us.  We are here to help.  We don't know what is going on if you don't tell us.
6) Remember that us adults make missteps every day. Every single day we falter and get back up.  Teach your child how to get back up, because that is really want you need to know how to do.

Important Guidance Dates Coming Up:
Senior Parent Coffe: Friday, September 20th, 7:45 am
Wednesday, October 16th, PSAT, Pre-ACT, SAT on a School Day
Tuesday, November 12th: Post-Secondary Planning Night