Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Power of the Word

As we approach the midway point of the school year, also known as the end of the first semester or the end of term two, we all need to push each other to finish strong and commit 100 percent to those final days, those final assignments. Like a marathon, a school year requires disciplined, sustained effort over a significant period of time. In the dead of winter, with the summer sun months away, we must reach out to one another and offer the encouraging word, the reassuring smile, and the helping hand. With semester classes giving closing assessments, junior students beginning standardized test prep classes, and seniors finalizing their last college applications, let's rally around them and assist them in juggling the responsibilities of life.

As I finish my twelfth college application cycle, I reflect on the numerous essays and supplements I reviewed this year.  As always our students push the boundaries and think outside of the box, something that is imperative in the college application process.  I recently received the following article, and although brief and simplistic in nature, it details solid advice that would all college bound students should reference when writing their essays.  The strength of  verb choice greatly impacts the power and emotion of the college application essay.  It should not be overlooked or undervalued. In fact, these suggestions would help all pieces of writing.


Important Dates:
Course Selection Night at Canton High School: 6:30 pm February 9th
SAT at Canton High School: March 11th (register NOW at