I am reaching out to share some important information regarding AP exams for this spring semester. Please know that information is evolving, and I will be utilizing this blog to keep you in the loop with the latest news from College Board regarding AP tests.
The link below has all the details College Board has outlined thus far. It is important to note that more information will be coming out next Friday, April 3rd.
At this point in time, College Board has announced the following:
This year AP exams will be:
- 45 minute exams
- taken digitally from home
- free response questions only, no multiple choice
- available on two dates of when each exam can be taken (exact schedule is to be released Friday, April 3rd)
- supported with free online preparation videos and teaching resources through the College Board on Wednesday, March 25th
As always, your AP teacher is a great resource and will have subject-specific information. I will also continue to update you with more detailed information as it is released.
Here is the College Board link with additional information:
Please do not hesitate to reach out to chamberlandm@cantonma.org if you have any questions.
Dr. Meredith Chamberland
Guidance Director
AP Coordinator